- Python library not loaded @rpath (3) I'm using OS X El Capitan (10.11.4). I just downloaded TensorFlow using the pip install instructions here.
- To be honest, I'm not a Homebrew user. I have manually merged changes made earlier in the package building tools for Mac and could successfully build this package. However, I have not tested 'pip' with Homebrew. Therefore, truly experimental. I want to request help from the community regarding this.
Jun 21, 2016 Hi Brad, I am trying to integrate GPUImage with my new project and I exactly followed whatever instruction given in the 'Adding this as a framework (module) to your Mac or iOS project' section but its not working for me. I am not sure wh.
I'm having hard time running my app on MacOSX.
The .pro build just fine, but after when I tried to run the .app from inside QtCreator or outside, I get this error :
dyld: Library not loaded: /Users/tourlou2/Qt/5.2.1/clang_64/lib/QtOpenGL.framework/Versions/5/QtOpenGL
Referenced from: /Library/Frameworks/qwt.framework/Versions/6/qwt
Reason: image not found
Trace/BPT trap: 5
Mac Dylib
I don't know why It checks in that folder for QtOpenGL, here is my Otool of qwt
Mac Dyld Library Not Loaded Rpath Libpython3.7m.dylib Youtube
@otool -L /qwt.framework/Versions/6/qwt
@executable_path/../Frameworks/qwt.framework/Versions/6/qwt (compatibility version 6.1.0, current version 6.1.0)
@executable_path/../Frameworks/QtOpenGL.framework/Versions/5/QtOpenGL (compatibility version 5.2.0, current version 5.2.1)
@executable_path/../Frameworks/QtWidgets.framework/Versions/5/QtWidgets (compatibility version 5.2.0, current version 5.2.1)
@executable_path/../Frameworks/QtGui.framework/Versions/5/QtGui (compatibility version 5.2.0, current version 5.2.1)
@executable_path/../Frameworks/QtCore.framework/Versions/5/QtCore (compatibility version 5.2.0, current version 5.2.1)
@executable_path/../Frameworks/QtSvg.framework/Versions/5/QtSvg (compatibility version 5.2.0, current version 5.2.1)
@executable_path/../Frameworks/QtPrintSupport.framework/Versions/5/QtPrintSupport (compatibility version 5.2.0, current version 5.2.1)
@executable_path/../Frameworks/QtConcurrent.framework/Versions/5/QtConcurrent (compatibility version 5.2.0, current version 5.2.1)
/System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/OpenGL (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 1.0.0)
/System/Library/Frameworks/AGL.framework/Versions/A/AGL (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 1.0.0)
/usr/lib/libstdc++.6.dylib (compatibility version 7.0.0, current version 56.0.0)
/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 169.3.0)@
Here is my framework structure after I build :
I even copied QOpenGL.framework to '/Users/tourlou2/Qt/5.2.1/clang_64/lib/QtOpenGL.framework/'
Like it was requesting but I still have the same error
Dyld 0x1 Library Missing
Thanks if you can guide me a little!