Mac Library Cloudkit

Jan 15, 2020  Again this applies to all notes data that is stored locally on the Mac, whether by caching from iCloud or by literal local Notes data. vs, where Stickies notes are stored Remember, the Notes app is different from the Stickies app (sometimes referred to as Sticky Notes).

I have an iMac (27-inch, Late 2013) with 500GB flash storage. I store the majority of my personal files including photo and video on iCloud drive.

Recently I've come across an issue. Usually I have around 150GB to 200GB of free storage on my Mac until the other day I got a warning message popup saying my startup disk was almost full. This was a surprise to me because I definitely haven't filled up all of that space myself.

Mac Library Cloudkit Download

I checked my storage space (image attached) and in fact that was the case. Eventually I found that an CloudKit cache folder (Library/Caches/CloudKit/) was swallowing all of my storage space. When I deleted it everything was back to normal. But then after checking the storage space periodically, within a matter of hours I was back to almost no free space available and apps began acting very strangely.

Mcmaster Library

How can I stop this from happening? Disabling iCloud drive would fix this but I like it and want to continue using it.

Mac Library Software


Mac Library Folder

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